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Physical Therapy For ScoliosisProRehab Physical Therapy in Louisville, Evansville & Southern Indiana

Physical Therapy for Scoliosis for Adults

Physical therapy should be a part of your treatment plan for scoliosis whether it is mild or severe. You will need to work on stretching, strengthening, and posture to relieve the pain and symptoms of your spinal curvature. In severe cases in childhood, surgery or progressive spine bracing is needed to correct the abnormal curvature. After surgery or bracing, physical therapy will help you adjust to your new spinal posture with exercises to balance the muscles in the area. Your ProRehab physical therapist will work individually with you to create the best plan to improve your life with scoliosis.

Main Causes of Scoliosis

Scoliosis is very common and impacts three percent of the US population. People with scoliosis have a curvature to their spine that moves side to side. Three types of scoliosis are called idiopathic, neurological, and congenital scoliosis. Idiopathic scoliosis occurs in childhood due to an unknown cause, neurological scoliosis is from another disease such as cerebral palsy, and congenital scoliosis occurs at birth due to congested space in the womb. Adults with mild scoliosis typically have little to no symptoms. However, people with moderate to severe scoliosis can experience severe pain and require frequent position changes and pressure-relieving techniques for the spine.

Exercises for Relieving Scoliosis Discomfort

The best physical therapy treatment for adults with scoliosis includes exercises to reduce pain. Your physical therapist will show you breathing techniques with exercises to improve your posture. You will also work on strengthening weak areas around the spine including the abdominals. You will work on stretches for areas surrounding the spine which have muscle tension, such as the low back, trunk, and hips. It is important to complete the program your physical therapist gives you because it will be customized for you!

Physical Therapy Solutions for Scoliosis

Scoliosis treatment needs to begin early on. Detection is very important in early childhood to allow this early treatment to take place. Children are screened for scoliosis at school and their pediatrician’s office. Physical therapists will train the best ways to move to relieve pain, modify activities to help achieve goals, and keep up with helpful exercises. No matter the age of someone with scoliosis, they will benefit from exercises to balance the area and live their fullest life.

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