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Maintaining Your Exercise Routine While Traveling: 6 Exercises to Try

Vacation presents an opportunity for relaxation and rejuvenation. However, it’s important to continue exercising during this time to sustain a healthy and strong physique. Exercise can also alleviate stress and tension associated with travel. To ensure that you stay active, we have sought the guidance of a physical therapist who recommends six versatile exercises that can be performed anywhere while traveling, along with a bonus exercise for those fortunate enough to have access to water.

Exercise 1: Walking Lunges

Walking lunges are an excellent exercise for vacationers, as they can be done in any location. Begin by standing with your feet hip-width apart, then take a big step forward with your right foot and lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground. Push back up and repeat the movement with your left leg. Aim to complete 10-12 repetitions on each leg. This exercise strengthens the legs and glutes, enhances balance and coordination, and stretches the hip flexors. Adjust the intensity if necessary by only lowering your body halfway or engaging in reverse lunges.

Exercise 2: Planks, Push Ups, and Squats

Planks, push-ups, and squats are simple yet highly effective exercises that target your core muscles. To perform planks, begin on your hands and knees, then lower your forearms to the ground while keeping your elbows directly beneath your shoulders. Straighten your legs and aim to maintain the position for 30-60 seconds. If you are unable to hold the plank for that duration, work on gradually increasing your time over the course of your vacation. Planks improve posture, alleviate back pain, and strengthen the abdominal muscles.

For push-ups, start with your hands shoulder-width apart and your arms fully extended. Keep your feet together and your back straight, with your toes pointing towards the ground. Lower your body towards the ground while inhaling and keeping your back straight, ensuring that your elbows remain close to your body. Exhale as you push yourself back up to the starting position. Repeat for your desired number of repetitions.

When performing bodyweight squats, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly pointing outward. Extend your arms straight out in front of you, parallel to the ground, engage your abdominal muscles, and maintain a straight back. Lower your body by bending your knees and pushing your hips back while keeping your core tight. Continue lowering your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground or at a comfortable depth. Return to a standing position by pushing through your feet. You can aim to complete 3 to 4 sets of 15-25 reps or whatever provides a decent challenge.

Exercise 3: Yoga

Yoga is ideal for stretching and strengthening the entire body, as well as promoting relaxation. While on vacation, dedicate 10-15 minutes to practicing various yoga poses, such as Downward Dog, Warrior II, and Tree pose. Find a calm space and engage in these poses, or any other preferred yoga poses. These exercises not only enhance flexibility but also reduce stress (in case you run into flight delays).

Exercise 4: Resistance Band Exercises

Resistance band exercises provide an effective means of working your muscles without requiring heavy weights. Moreover, they occupy minimal space in your luggage. Pack a resistance band and incorporate exercises such as bicep curls, triceps extensions, and lateral raises into your routine. These exercises strengthen the upper body and improve posture.

Exercise 5: Walking

For those desiring a lighter exercise routine while on vacation, walking is a simple yet beneficial activity to incorporate into your daily routine. Whether you enjoy walks along the beach, opt to walk to nearby restaurants instead of driving, or simply explore your surroundings on foot, walking can relieve joint pain and alleviate leg stiffness. Additionally, walking can boost your immune system, aiding in preventing potential illness from exposure during travel.

Bonus: Swimming or Treading Water

If you find yourself in proximity to a pool, lake, or ocean (for experienced swimmers), swimming offers a superb low-impact exercise option. Allocating 20-30 minutes to swimming laps or treading water can strengthen your entire body without placing stress on your joints. This activity also improves cardiovascular health and promotes better sleep, ensuring that you are well-rested to fully enjoy your vacation.

In conclusion, while it is essential to recharge during vacations, pausing your exercise routine can disadvantage your body. Prior to departure, consult with a physical therapist or schedule an appointment to develop a customized vacation program that aligns with your goals, body type, as well as your vacation schedule and budget.

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